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As a coach with 20 + years’ experience I often find that coachees need some additional support to navigate challenges effectively, experience different tools and approaches in order to develop their own leadership style. 

subject matter expert coaching

Purpose of Subject Matter Expert Coaching


📣 Subject Matter Expertise coaching is an approach where the coach shares knowledge in a specific area to help guide and influence.

As a coach I am often approached to help guide coachees specifically on topics relating to my area of expertise in order to challenge, help developing strategies and share my practical experience.

Subject Matter Expert Coaching supports conversations when the issue being explored is related to a specific area of work  and when the coachee needs to feel their situation is fully understood.

I find as a coach having deep expertise in responsible business and inclusion is valuable, but knowing how to share that expertise effectively is what truly sets a Subject Matter Expert coach apart. This is not consultancy in a different guise. It blends coaching from a perspective that has empathy with the coachee on their specific challenges.

Key Characteristics of Subject Matter Expert Coaching

📍Empathy with the role: The coach can understand and empathise with specific challenges of the role.

📍Knowledgeable discussion: The coach can join in conversations on the subject matter and offer a perspective

📍Confidence giving: By understanding the subject matter the coach can give confidence to the coachee


When to employ Subject Matter Expert Training


📍At challenge points: If the coachee is being challenged by internal colleagues


📍When developing a business case: When the coachee is seeking further support inside their organisation


📍When struggling: When the coachee is struggling to deliver in their role.



The best experts don’t just inform—they influence. Coaching helps bridge that gap, turning deep knowledge into real impact. It is important that a subject matter expert coach doesn't become a consultant delivering work for the coachee. It is important to blend pure coaching within a framework of offering expert guidance. Challenging the coachee to have originality of thought.


In summary Subject Matter Expert Coaching can be an extremely effective approach when the coachee needs to feel understood, receive empathy for a particular role challenge and have appropriate guidance. It can give the coachee more confidence in finding their own solutions.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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